Help God, I am Depressed: When the dark cloud comes to your door

head in hands

The dark mood of depression may come knocking on a believer’s door


It is a cry that you may make one day: “Help God, I am depressed”. It is one of the most difficult situations for the believer to be in, faced with depression and searching for an answer from the Creator. It can test the faith of many strong believers, where do we turn when all the doors seem closed? We find no solution from any person, we are faced with only a cry “Help God, I am depressed”.  Contrary to what we have been told by the countless numbers of television ministers, there may come a time when you are facing a tough depression. It may be from many reasons or no reason at all.

The difficult task of walking in a cloud of sadness

The familiar words that we usually hear about the walk with God are usually joy, peace, happiness and abundance but what about when your situation is completely the opposite. The abundant life seems to have passed you by.

When everyone tells you that life should be nothing but continued blessings they are setting you up for a fall.

There may come a time when the dark cloud of depression and a desperate situation may meet you face to face, it is at these times when things don’t make sense. You may feel as if you are doing everything right, yet things are simply not working out. You have made the prayers the way you were told to do, and still the abundance life of enjoy has not stop at your door.

You seek help from God, you are depressed yet there is no answer, there is no change.

If you walk with God long enough you will discover that it may be your turn, it may be time for a deep depression to attack you which does not seem to leave. There are so many reasons for the sadness, it can stem from poverty, bills, drugs, no husband, no wife, ungodly partner, or very unrighteous children. For many there is no direct reason for the pain. Where is God when all appears dark and there is no answer from above?

A place where there are no answers is the situation that so many believers find themselves in.

This is not a popular topic but it is completely necessary. People will not like to speak about the darkness that overcomes a believer, it is for this reason that so many of us suffer in silence.

Please understand that there are no ministers or pastors with a snap answer which will address depression in the Christian.

Read this site daily, Be well

1 thought on “Help God, I am Depressed: When the dark cloud comes to your door

  1. chicagoja

    Unfortunately, perhaps, it is not God’s role to answer. Religion teaches a false doctrine (dogma) about the Creator. We live in a free will universe; that’s God gift to us. What we do with our lives is our gift to God. Good luck; hope you make it through it.



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